Hi I'm Jonnathan,
Welcome to my space :D

Ambition for technologies

_ I'm a technologies lover with a business mindset!


Details & quality
that's my north star


Self-learning is one of my best ability


Listening & being part of a team


I'm a simple person, love to learn and explore new things, new technologies, especially smartphone' innovations.


I've spend the last four years to learn and designing stuff, I learned design by myself and I kinda like it.

What people say

  • Dear Thanh,
    I’m happy to see you progress every day with your good attitude and will to learn, potentiality to develop through your work supporting me and within the team.
    My work at Fram, Fred’s and the team’s work can’t be complete and of that level without your participation. We can’t not mention your great work t in terms of potential lead generation, email campaign, training and support to sourcer team, sales track and report monitoring.
    Especially a good team player, not only in Fram’s Sales team but also in other ventures’ teams.